And I dream of the vast deserts, the forests, and all of the wilderness of our continent, wild places that we should protect as a precious heritage for our children and for our children’s children. We must never forget that it is our duty to protect this environment.
-Nelson Mandela. Activist / Philanthropist
We value and admire nature; we rather be spectators of this wonder than interfering in its process. Sisal has a unique biodiversity, and it is imperative that measures and actions be taken to assure the conservancy of this thriving ecosystem.

We see ourselves as guardians of this treasure, from the care of our lush protective dune and the native species within the property, to the promotion of public and private initiatives (like waste management or the rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems) to achieve economically and environmentally sound development based on the sustainable use of Sisal resources.

The truth is: the natural world is changing. And we are totally dependent on that world. It provides our food, water and air. It is the most precious thing we have, and we need to defend it.
-Sir David Attenborough. Natural historian / Doctor of science
All of our activities are in the spirit of the club’s commitment to Sisal, causing no negative impact to the environment and helping to foster the community who offer tours, provide lessons, and aid us in changing the perspective of our relationship with our natural surroundings.

As we grow, Club de Patos will continue to lead with the example by enhancing this sustainable development. We are committed to leave a consequential positive impact in Sisal, and by extension, the planet.

The innovation required to create the future will not come from a single source. Not science, not technology, not governments, not business, but all of us. We must take advantage of the collective power of unconventional alliances to redefine how we will prosper in the future.
– Hannah Jones
Club de Patos, is founded on the idea that sustainability should be approached by the integration and balance between social, economic and environmental aspects. We think social and environmental must be complementary; social and economic, equalizer of opportunities; and economic and environmental viable. To guarantee a successful and long-term future, these aspects must be identified and taken into account with the same relevance and seriousness.

This is crucial for us and thus we want you to subscribe our pledge of commitment with our environment and community. Sustainable in all ways. We are not merely focused on limiting the club’s impact, but rather driven to instill holistic positive change in Sisal’s ecosystem and local community.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
– Margaret Mead. Cultural Anthropologist
We respect and foster the local community. Yes, we are only visitors, but we can leave a positive impact. By being part of our club, you are already making the difference. Over the years we have identified the main challenges of the Sisal community and we’ve been taking action in partnership with Fundación Legorreta Hernández (FLH). We invite you to the FLH’s community house, where you can see from firsthand (and be part of ) our programs. For example, we provide English lessons, sustainability programs, online high school or yoga practices with the local community, among many others.

We support fair trade businesses and local communities, by helping them generate and commercialize value-add products that can be integrated into the economy. For example, most of our inputs are provided by ecological backyard farms related to FLH social programs and we harvest our own Honey Apis and Melipona; you can visit our Meliponario anytime (these special bees have no stinger). Our Club reassesses about consumption, guarantees that our food is healthy, high quality and also seasonally divers.